ClexaCon draws women actresses, producers, writers and directors to Las Vegas


If you’re a fan of TV shows with super-hot women, often playing strongwilled, independent characters or outright-lesbians then ClexaCon is the place you should have been last month! Returning to Las Vegas for its third big year, this massively attended multifandom convention featured more than 40 actresses, producers, writers and directors to mingle with throughout the weekend. Described as a “media and entertainment convention for LGBTQ women and allies.”

This year’s festivities included actresses from the shows Wynonna Earp, Carmilla, Days of Our Lives, Good Kisser, The L Word, Walking Dead, One Day at a Time and Glee Much more than just an autograph lovers’ dream come true, it also featured more than a dozen workshops and panels, breakfast with celebrity guests, cosplay, a fun run, a pool party, comedy show and speed friending.

Plus, there were two great parties: Cocktails for Change, this year benefiting The Visibility Fund, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting LGBTQ content creators; and on Saturday night Ascension, a Black and White after party. Oh, and did I mention thousands of lesbians from all around the world? So, if you missed this year’s convention, I would get your pens out and write yourself a note for next year!