Vegas Astrology: World events are not your fault, Scorpio; do what allows you to relax, Libra


ARIES (March 21 – April 19) Imagine you are surrounded by sparkles and magic. Spirit has held things back from you in recent months. That all changes now. Stay strong in the energy of following your heart and avoid taking on other people’s imagined emergencies. Be delighted about what will be presented. You’ve earned these opportunities.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20) Reconnect with the people who really care about you. The people around you are baffled by your mood and self-isolation. You’ve been resistant and assumptive – that is what is working against you. Reach out and tell the people you love that you love them. There are (not necessarily blood related) brothers and sisters that love you.

GEMINI (May 21- June 21) Plot twist! Delays by others have actually done you a cosmic favor. Though you may have had to regroup, in the long run it will be better for you to move forward and create your own dream. A happy solution to your money issues is being presented. Each delay has taught you so much and prepared you for this new beginning.

CANCER (June 22 – July 23) There are so many people around you that love and care about you. Stop waiting for them to call you, it’s time to initiate a gathering or two. Decide to host Thanksgiving dinner this year, for all your people. Stop waiting for the world to come to you. Engage with the world.

LEO (July 24 – August 23) You have no choice but to follow your heart now. Give yourself permission to do what you really want to do. No person is holding you back; procrastinating is not an option. Now is the time to show just how creative and connected you are. Write that screenplay, connect with the people you really like, and eat your favorite tacos.

VIRGO (August 24 – September 22) Keep telling Spirit what you want. Keep Karmic awareness in your heart and act as though all the puzzle pieces are falling in their right places. Keep the faith. Love will find you and success is working through you. Reignite your excitement about what you do for work. Watch the movie “Jerry Maguire” and pay attention to the end of the movie.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22) Do what allows you to relax and brings you a sense of harmony; AND if that activity happens to also be your work, all the better. Pragmatic and thoughtful wins the day. It’s OK to step back from “spinning your wheels” activities. Discover what allows you to lose track of time and also gives you a sense of awareness of the moment.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 22) It’s not your fault that world events are causing stress. However, you CAN decide how you’ll respond to your environment. Encouraging people to share their stories of problem-solving will go a long way to ease your mind. Especially encourage the “quiet” people around you to suggest solutions.

SAGITARIUS (November 23 –December 20) You’ve taken on burdens that should not be yours. Being a “team player” is one thing; being taken advantage of is quite another. Speak up about what you know is fair…because if you don’t, it won’t be. On an interesting note, there is an interesting offer about to be presented to you that your relationships and reputation have created.

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 20) You’ve been stingy with yourself. The energy presented is telling you to spend money on a pricey, high-quality thing that you want. You naturally seek value and you earned the right to have that desire. It’s absolutely OK for you to bask in the sun and treat yourself to the reason you’ve worked this hard.

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19) Loving partnerships and awareness of the people who truly care about you are the focus of this month. Inspired energy flows through you. When undecided, think this thought, “What’s the most loving thing I can do today?” While it doesn’t mean that you are to take on an ongoing responsibility, it does mean that little initiations of kindness will ultimately work for you.

PISCES (February 20 – March 20) Work the political environment around you as though all the energies are supporting your goals and dreams. Ignore anything that would cause you emotional distress. There is a resolve to “old” pain not unlike the feeling of outgrowing what no longer works for you.

Vegas Astrology is penned by Las Vegas Intuitive, Mona Van Joseph. She can be contacted for private appointments at 702-233-4790 or by going to her website at