Remember RBG in this fight

Candlelit makeshift memorial on the steps of the US Supreme Court following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Photo by Ben J.

The LGBTQ+ community just lost one of its greatest champions on the highest court of the land. The passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a stark reminder of what is at stake this election. She cast her vote with the majority in the pivotal cases that moved closer toward our community’s collective goal of equality. 

Now Donald Trump stands firm in his conviction that Gingsburg’s replacement will be a darling of the right and fierce supporter of “religious liberty.”

I know true liberty when I see it. Liberty is knowing I can marry who I love. Liberty is knowing the people of West Wendover, the rural town that I serve as mayor, can count on quality, affordable health care. Liberty is knowing future generations can enjoy our public lands and live in a world where the existential threat of climate change isn’t bearing down upon them. Liberty is seeing our immigrant neighbors live outside of the shadows.

That’s all at risk in this election. This year, our liberty is on the ballot. We must vote for the future of our democracy. We must vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 

I say this as the first openly LGBTQ+ person elected mayor in Nevada: Joe is the best candidate to defend our rights and civil liberties. He is an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, with a proven track-record to back it up. Let’s not forget he pushed marriage equality into the political mainstream when he became the first nationally elected figure to support same-sex marriage. He supports trans rights and spoke out against the so-called bathroom bills that are only meant to humiliate and denigrate trans and gender non-conforming people.  

Our vice presidential candidate, Senator Kamala Harris, is a career-long advocate for our community. As San Francisco district attorney in 2004, she was one of the first elected officials in the nation to marry a gay couple. She did so not because it was politically popular — it wasn’t — but because it’s what her heart knew to be right.

We need leaders who will have our back even when it isn’t politically expedient — leaders like Joe and Kamala. The Biden-Harris administration will be the most pro-equality, pro-LGBTQ+ administration in history. 

For this to happen, we’ve got to vote. It’s more than the White House on the line — our rights, our liberty and our future are on the line.

This year, most voters in Nevada will receive a ballot through the mail. Go to to make sure you are registered and will receive your ballot. Make sure you update, register, or re-register if necessary by October 15 to automatically receive a ballot by mail. 

Voting by mail is convenient — in fact, many of your friends and neighbors are planning to vote by mail this year. There are three ways to vote in Nevada: (1) returning your ballot by mail, (2) dropping your ballot off at a dropbox location near where you live or work, or (3) voting in-person during early voting or on Election Day. 

No matter how you vote this year, it’s important to make a plan and do it early. If you have any questions about the process of voting this year, visit or call (888) 525-8683.

The Biden/Harris ticket is dedicated to rebuilding our country better than before. We must vote for this brighter tomorrow. We must vote because, frankly, our lives depend on it. The choice is clear, we must vote for tried and true allies in the White House.

Daniel Corona is the mayor of West Wendover, Nevada. When elected i . n 2016, Corona became the first openly LGTBQ+ mayor in Nevada history and at the age of 25 the youngest mayor ever elected in the state