The Rock Report: Frank Marino’s new show and celebrating divas over 50

Frank Marino

By Monti Rock III
Easter has come and gone. Did you get to play with your Peeps? I asked the Easter bunny to bring me lots of pastel colored Peeps this year to celebrate the season.

Frank Marino was on the phone recently. Frank is the one who actually put me together with Rob Schlegel, the publisher of this great magazine, Spectrum. The news from Frank is all very positive. Expect his new show to open June 26 but he’s not announcing the location just yet. What I adore about Frank is his total respect and support of the Queen (me!). He has always been a fan and a true friend.

This column will be focusing on all the divas who are over the age of 50 – that’s AARP! First, we have JLo who is now engaged to Alex Rodriguez, the great former Yankee baseball player who had all the queens and regular gals in love with him when he was up at bat. JLo picked a winner this time, in more ways than one! Her huge engagement ring says it all. He is devoted and idolizes his honey. Remember, JLo has now reached her half century mark in age and does not look it at all! She’s still a dynamite hottie!

Next we have Celine Dion, who is everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Touring, doing the TV cabbie cable show and of course, her home is the Colosseum, which was built for her and her show, A New Day, back in 2004. She and her twins, Nelson and Eddy still live in Lake Las Vegas, along with her oldest son, the smashingly handsome Renée Charles. It will be sad not to have her onstage at Caesar’s after this run is over. My dear readers, do get your tickets for this incredibly talented and WOW! performer now before it is bye-bye time.

I remember, like it was yesterday, in my brownstone in NYC, when I held court, one of the people who passed through my threshold back when I used to have monkeys and a Yorkie (the fi rst ZoZo) in my menagerie. In walked, unbeknownst to this queen, a very young (14 or 15 year old) man from Westchester, Steven Tyler. He ended up writing his two books “Noises In My Head” and “Walk My Way,” in which he mentioned his episode of meeting Monti Rock III. OMG! It was a revelation to read those words of the time when I was the Pied Piper of NYC.

Now, Mr Tyler is headlining with Aerosmith at the Colosseum! His show is fantastic. I am actually bringing my two books to the show to have him autograph them personally. Who knew back then about Aerosmith and how a half century later it would still draw a crowd and become rock royalty? Memories like this can never be bought or made up! Please, see him with Aerosmith at the Colosseum in all his glory and read those two books. They were eye openers! Hail, Steve! You are still flying high. By the way, your guitarist is still the greatest, too! What a performance – what a show! Oh, how Vegas has evolved with the baby boomers buying tickets to their favorite rock bands of their youth. What an incredible rewind! I still get a kick out of those stories about me and all the celebs that entered my portals during the days of anything goes!

A great tribute was had at the Penn and Teller Theater for the late, great Johnny Thompson, The Great Tomisini, on April 9. I could not believe how much love, respect and gratitude was expressed for this Vegas icon! I sat with some of the highest power players in Las Vegas. They were all there to pay their respects to this legend.

The highlight were the speakers who included David Copperfield. Lance Burton spoke about how he met Johnny when he was only 20 years old and a fledgling magician. What Lance said was that without Mr. Thompson’s input and knowledge, he would have never become a famous magician himself. He helped Lance tweak his act and become a superstar.

One of the great tributes was from our very own Criss Angel via video, telling about how Johnny was a big part of creating and mentoring his talents. I’ve never seen so many magicians in one theater who were all affected by this incredible man. My hat goes off to Penn and Teller, for making this event a glorious, fabulous, and significant one. It was a class act for a man of class. The big thrill was that Teller finally spoke to an audience. He recalled how Johnny helped him in a show called Tempest, which I saw five times. Teller explained that Johnny was no ordinary magician, but a master, a mentor, a producer, a writer, and all the accolades that go with an esteemed person. Johnny’s wife was able to feel the love in that room. Rest in peace, Johnny Thompson!

In the world of gossip, I am sometimes in a position where I do not really know how to make my readers read all my words. Wendy Williams who has a very successful talk show from NYC, has had a melt-down. Rumor has it that her spouse of 20 years, who is also her producer, director and manager, has had a mistress for the last ten years and now is the father of a baby from that lady.

Her husband denies everything but who knows what goes on behind closed doors? All I can say is that Wendy Williams, along with the late Frankie Crocker, helped launch my alter ego, Disco Tex, into the platinum recording artist of the 70’s. I sincerely hope that Miss Williams will soon recover from this chaotic situation. I love you Wendy, feel free to call me about anything!

Oprah went to see Cher! She was in Mamma Mia (newest version of the fi lm), was on Broadway, won an Academy Award, won Grammys, and is a sold out attraction at the Park Theater. The woman is 72 and still has her mojo running strong! I love you Cher! I love your Bob Mackie’s gowns and costumes. I love your wigs (I need some for my show, please, can I borrow a few?) and I love your make-up – sequined eyes and all! Your show is imperial!

I am a great fan of the marvelous and incredible Barry Manilow! He’s at The Westgate for a Thursday – Sunday engagement series. He is still bouncing, singing, writing, and having a ball doing it all! I saw him again and the show is still superlative!

Did you know Barry Manilow has a charity that gives $100,000 in musical instruments to school music programs?Voting starts May 2. Foothills High School from Henderson, has entered the contest. Visit to vote. Look for Foothills High School and give them a vote. Thanks, dear readers!

Interesting note – this Queen is also a royal watcher. Queens love royalty! I love that we have a new member on its way to the line of descent to the throne! Meghan Markle, Princess of Sussex, is the very first mixed blood Princess in the British Empire’s forever existence. She broke the barrier that was there for myriad centuries. I cannot wait for this little prince or princess to arrive and be the newest member of the royal clan.

Hope your start of the delicious month of May brings you all relief from the tedium of the winter blues as we now go forth into butterfly season!







With love and gratitude, Zozo, the wonder dog and celebrity canine, and, yours truly,

MONTI ROCK III Wishing you a perpetually butterfly Spring!