The Center News: 2020 board elected; partnership with Zappos brings Closets for Good; and the Health District’s new Wellness Clinic expands


The Center held elections recently for new leadership of its governing board. The executive committee serves as leaders for the board with fiduciary responsibilities and accountability for The Center’s operations. The Center’s executive committee includes:

● Brian Hosier – president, governing board                                             ● Sara Bartel – vice president, governing board                                       ● Garrett Pattiani – secretary                                                                      ● Kangcheng Yin – treasurer


Southern Nevada Health District                                                                     The Center and the Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) have entered into a partnership in managing the wellness clinic to expand services to the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as low-income residents in Southern Nevada. The new wellness clinic launches in January 2020 with expanded testing services and capacity for providing direct support for individuals testing positive for HIV. The expansion will continue with the development of a federally qualified health center and an on-site pharmacy through the federal 340B program.

The Center is one of the largest and most experienced providers of LGBTQIA+ human services in Nevada. The health and wellness clinic is transforming into a full-service provider, due, in part, to the rising levels of sexually transmitted infection transmissions in Southern Nevada, and the increasing needs of low- to moderate-income residents.

Services that will be offered include:                                    

► Collaboration with the Office of Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance in providing navigation, eligibility, peer support and education regarding HIV, PrEP/PEP and ART.                          

► Launch of an LGBTQIA+ community Youth Prevention Planning Group as part of the larger HIV Southern Nevada Prevention Planning Group.                                  

► Linking identified high-risk and HIV positive clients to services.

► Implementation of a HOPWA program – housing opportunities for persons with AIDS.

► Development of a federally qualified health center (FQHC).

► Launch of a pharmacy through the federal 340B drug pricing program.


Zappos Closets for Good                                                                                     In partnership with Zappos, The Center remodeled its food pantry to become the Zappos Closet for Good where Center staff can offer food-insecure patrons a greater selection of food. Southern Nevada maintains an LGBTQIA+ homeless population of nearly 300 youth at any time. Of that, 40 percent identify as LGBTQIA+. Under the direction of AJ Huth, The Center’s youth programs manager, the Zappos Closet for Good will play an essential role in helping vulnerable LGBTQIA+ youth in the community. Zappos will help maintain the closet to ensure youth, and others in-need, have a good selection of food choices to address their immediate needs.


Trans and gender diversity programs                                                             The Center expanded its commitment in 2019 to the trans and gender queer community by offering more programming and support services than at any time in the organization’s history. Dr. Ray MacFarlane, who has expertise in gender studies, was hired in the beginning of the year to strengthen relationships and involvement in the community to ensure The Center is a safe and welcoming home for transgender individuals. That commitment will continue to grow in 2020.

Trans and gender diversity programming at The Center were well-attended with participants attending programs 2,257 times with 350 new participants in 2019.

The Center’s commitment to trans and gender queer residents including:

● Fabulous Life Skills

● Gender Translations

● Guy Talk ● Identi-T*

● Intersex Connect

● Name and Gender Marker Change Services ● Out of the Gender Box

● Switch Clothing Services

● TFemme

● Trans Day of Remembrance

● Trans Day of Visibility

● Trans Tuesday ACT III The Center is also continuing to work with local universities in educating medical students in the dynamics of serving patients in the trans and gender diversity community. The Center staff has presented on LGBTQIA+ health care needs to first- and fourth-year medical students at Touro University, medical residents in Valley Health Systems and nursing students at multiple nursing schools.