Rob Phoenix, APRN, wins top medical award; specializes in the LGBTQ community


John (Rob) Phoenix, APRN, FNP-C was honored with GLMA’s LGBT Health Achievement Award at their 36th Annual Conference on LGBTQ Health. The conference was held in Las Vegas on Oct. 10-13 at the Flamingo Hotel.

Each year, GLMA (formerly known as the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association) honors exemplary individuals, organizations, and/or publications for their signifiant contributions to improving the health and well-being of LGBT individuals or people living with HIV/ AIDS. The award also focuses on those improving the climate for the LGBT health workforce, or contributing to gains made by the LGBT civil rights movement. GLMA honors these individuals, organizations, and/or publications with the GLMA LGBT Health Achievement Award, which is presented at the GLMA Achievement Awards Gala.

GLMA membership includes those in all areas of health care, including physicians, nurses, physician assistants, researchers, academics, behavioral health care, dentists and many other professional areas. Phoenix, who operates the Huntridge Medical Clinic at 1830 E. Sahara Ave., Suite 201, is an Advanced Practitioner Registered Nurse and a Family Nurse Practitioner. His clinic, which has at least one other nurse practitioner, is also a teaching site for several medical schools.

Phoenix, while being a family practitioner, specializes in the LGBTQ and kink community, with a special emphasis on HIV treatment and prevention. His office offers both PrPEP and PEP (pre and post exposure treatment to prevent the HIV virus from taking effect.

In a note to Las Vegas Spectrum readers, Phoenix asked to share the following:

“Now that 2018 is gone and 2019 is here, many of us will be working on New Years Resolutions. Commonly those resolutions revolve around becoming healthier, eating better, exercising, working on our personal physical as well as mental health and making changes to our lives to being better in 2019.

“According to several website listings, at least 3 of the top 10 new years resolutions focus around health. Things such as eating healthier, drinking less, quitting smoking and exercising hit the top five almost every time. The LGBTQ community has some higher risks for certain lifestyle choices such as our alcohol consumption, our smoking habits and our sexual health. Let’s look at ways that you can improve your overall health in 2019.

“The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association publishes a document “10 things Lesbian/Gay Men/Bisexuals and Transgender people should discuss with their healthcare provider”. These lists are available for viewing at https://tinyurl. com/63ymnho”