THE ROCK REPORT: Hans Klok at Excalibur; Frank at Legends


September brought us many shows, and more shows ˗ how many shows do you need to change the light bulbs? In all my many years in show business, I can tell you why something has “winner” on it, and somethings are just made to miss the mark!  Case in point, I went over to the Excalibur to the Adam Speck Theater and saw Hans Klok, a magician of international fame. I had seen him ten years ago when he paired up with the luscious Pamela Anderson when they opened Planet Hollywood. If you can remember, it was Robert Earl, who opened PH with the afore mentioned duo.  Please, Google him to learn more about this Hollywood genius!

Here we are, back a decade, and Robert Earl was a visionary in trying to make the glitz and showmanship of Hollywood to Las Vegas.  From my own personal experiences, I genuinely know that Hollywood will never be Las Vegas, nor, Las Vegas be Hollywood!

Back to Hans: His performance brought my mind to the point where I thought I was looking at Siegfried Fishbacher (Siegfried & Roy) ˗ one illusion after another that were simply superb!  The dancers, fantastic!  The four female assistants were glamor at its best!  The thing that caught me up the most in this show were the intense and creative projections that were part of every scene and stunt of illusion!  They were totally immersive!

Hans Klok is an international star, but in order to separate the graphics and the overflow of magicians/illusionists, I went back for a second time to get my sights on the actual performer. Was it the graphics or was it the star himself?  We already have two of the greatest masters, David Copperfield and Criss Angel. Is there room for one more?  I suggest strongly that you check out Hans Klok at the early show slot of 7 p.m. for yourself!!!  I would welcome your feedback, my dear readers!

Frank Marino

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations are triply in order for Legends in Concert which has found the secret to longevity!   They have just opened with Frank Marino back in his old persona of Joan Rivers.  What a perfect match up!!!I I want all the powers that be to take notice. Sometimes it takes a winner to bring back the winnings!  Life is all about collaborations when it comes to entertainment. This is a marriage made in heaven!  By the way, after this residency, Frank will be retiring the alter ego persona of Joan Rivers…so, maybe next time it will be yours truly, Monti Rock III, you never know!

In my career in Las Vegas, very few producers have been supportive and loyal, as Adam Speck.  He produces Thunder From Down Under and The Australian Bee Gees Tribute. As an observer, I’m always proud to know that a producer cares about his work.  Case in point, ten years ago, we thought that the concept of four Aussie Caucasian men who sang Motown would not work.

I was at the original opening when Smokey Robinson (the great Motown legend himself, who is still working and has the voice of an angel) introduced the group known as Human Nature.  WOW! I went back with my crew and to witness the 10-year anniversary of this magical quartet!  It has become legendary and reinvented and they have signed on for three more years at The Venetian. Their voices are pearls. Their seamless gliding from era to era just flows. This is a special treat.  This is what I refer to and endorse as a MUST-SEE!

Monti Rock III is not a media whore. I am a columnist. I went to the Silver State Film Festival at The Orleans as an invite from my great friend, Cheryl Kagan, to view “The Ringmaster.”  This is a documentary that was inspired by the director/producer/writer/and star narrator (The Ringmaster himself!) and has won awards in NYC and other film festivals.  It was an interesting film work but the main focus was the recipe for these great onion rings ˗ he searched and found the man who was behind it ˗ Larry Lang and his sister (who stole the film!) ˗ and how their lives changed during the filming of this real life story.  If you get a chance to see it ˗ please, go and catch it!

The ending was a true turn of events that had the audience in the grasp of the entire documentary’s plot and theme!  It was brilliant!  As I was leaving, who is standing there but Robin Greenspun with her husband, Danny, one of my biggests fans! If you recall, for 11 years Robin was the driving force of CineVegas which was held at the old Palms Hotel in the Brendan Theater Complex.  Robin helped me with having my film shown at CineVegas to wild reviews and accolades.  She is still a true supporter of the arts as well as a lifetime philanthropist.  Kudos to Robin, Danny and all the others who make filmmakers’ works happen at film fests!

Can you believe?  Can you believe it?  My greatest professional friend/singer ˗ Mary Wilson ˗ she was Supremes and I was Sex-o-lettes ˗ but she took my slot. I was up for “Dancing With The Stars” and Mary snagged it from under me!  Plus, of all things, she stole my hairdresser, Jay Garcia!  Oh, my ˗ divas in duet!  Well, just let me say, I want Mary Wilson to win!

I got both a phone call and and an email from Rider MacDonald, the agent who placed me as the promoter for Pine Brothers cough drops.  Rider confided in me how he is adjusting to the grief process of losing his 18-year-old son. When we spoke, we became connected by both of our losses. I told him I still had his samples of Pine Drops cough drops in the house.  Bottom line, he came to town and we did a celebration of life for his Errol and my Bruce.  When people connect because of spiritual experiences in life, there is a strong bond. Thank you, times three, Rider, for being in my life again!

The greatest weekend was recently when I got to see both “Downton Abbey” and “Hustlers” at the cinema!  Oh, my goodness, the series “Downton Abbey” was great, but the film is incredible!  Everyone in the theater were Daphiles and the small screen saga took to the big screen with a big bang of fabulous!  I highly recommend going to see this much waited for film of the serial series.  The other Puerto Rican bombshell, you know that I mean yours truly, was totally astounded by the work of Jennifer Lopez in “Hustlers.” She took on the role of producer and well as the star!  She has hit the mid-century mark with a still upward spiral in her career.  She is happily in a longterm relationship with A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez, former NY Yankee super star) and has made her own journey from the Bronx to the center of Hollywood!  Yes, she is a singer (like moi!), yes, she is an actor (like moi!) and now she is a producer (like moi, too!)!  Both of us are from The Bronx. How is that possible for stars to be in the same constellation of greatness?

Now, the onward rush of the cool weather has ascended and guess what?  My favorite look ˗ that of the leopard in accessories and clothing is back with a slam dunk in every fashion magazine, every runway, and on everyone’s back ˗ see the spots! Sincerely, I do welcome the relief and the weather of this season and soon, Halloween will be coming up and we can all dress as our favorite fantasies!  If you “spot” me it will not be in leopard for I am coming as my alter ego ˗ Disco Tex (without the sex-o-lettes)!

Happy Haunting and getting treats and giving generously to those who ring your doorbell that evening!

I am not scared of cats ˗ and Zozo ˗ the wonder dog – likes to spook them, too!

May your harvest be plenty and your constant reading of this columnist’s monthly scribbles keep on!

I thank you dearly for your support!

With great fondness to all of my readers,







Sincerely, Monti Rock III and

ZoZo, the Wonder Celebrity Dog