Where to begin? No April print issue of Spectrum


Our April 2020 issue will be online only. I’m sure everyone can figure out why, but in case you’re reading this 20 years from now and wondering, it’s due to our COVID-19 shutdown.

As one can imagine, printing 11,000 copies of the Spectrum and then mailing most of them, takes a considerable sum of money. Losing many of our advertisers, since their businesses are closed, makes publishing for April impossible.

We are still here. We anticipate being back in print for our June issue. Until then, stay well, practice social distancing and let’s stay in touch.

Our April 9th Spectrum Q Social will be online, via Zoom. We’ll be hosted by Jimmy Emerson, Lyn Collier, Lucas Navarro-Schlegel and our publisher, Rob Schlegel. If you would like to be invited to our Q Socials, be sure to join our email list. Signup for our email list below.

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