Take off your pants and slip on the red dress, the Sin Sity Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence bring you the Red Rubber Ball


Dust off the haughty attitude. You are going to need it for this year’s Red Dress fundraiser, the Red Rubber Ball. Held Feb. 29 at the Space, this year’s event spins off the early ‘80s underground ball scene, a la the television series “Pose,” with the runway of vogue, dance, walk and attitude.

With 10 categories, presumably outlandish costumes and over-the-top sass, the party held by the Sin Sity Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, should be an all-out, balls-to-the-wall, wear-anything (just not pants because you won’t get in the door), extravaganza of community and fashion brilliance.

The event is an annual fundraiser for the order, which serves the community through safer sex outreach, promotion of queer health and well-being and assistance to those needing HIV medication through its Sisters AIDS Drug Assistance Program (SADAP). This year’s Red Dress 2020 theme pays homage to the ‘80s ball culture; an underground counterculture scene primarily featuring Latino and African American communities previously discriminated against at balls where contestants compete for prizes and trophies.

“The evening will be high-energy, with you bouncing in your seats wanting to jump up and be part of (it),” Sister Gloria Areola said. We will have the Taiko drummers, hot go-gos and performances throughout the evening.”

With the slogan: “It’s Hot. It’s Rubber. It’s the Ball of the Year,” Sister Gloria is probably right.

Pose categories for the evening: Butch Queen, Femme Queen, Bizarre, Virgin Runway, High Roller, Sex Siron, Runway, Vogue, Crowning Glory, In vogue.

The Red Rubber Ball marks the event’s 14th year of wearing red dresses symbolic of the Red Ribbon and HIV awareness, as way to support those living with HIV and remember those who lost their lives to HIV/AIDS.

Guests in pants, unless they are under a dress, won’t be allowed in, which results in creative gowns, costumes, outfits and, well, concoctions. Pretty much anything goes.

“It’s that chance to be free and let your inner-self out in a safe space,” Sister Gloria Areola said.

Proceeds from the Red Dress event go to SADAP program, which has given more than $775,000 back to the community.

Red Rubber Ball, beginning at 7 p.m. at The Space, 3460 Cavaretta Court. Admission is $30, $50 for VIP. For tickets, go to Sinsitysisters.org. Remember, no pants.