Vote like your life depends on it: ‘This election, up and down the ticket, will shape our future for decades to come’


There is a lot on the line this election for LGBTQ+ people, marginalized com- munities and all Americans. Yes, we’ve made significant gains, but that only means we have much to protect, and more left to do.

That’s one of the reasons Silver State Equality, Nevada’s leading statewide LGBTQ+ civil rights advocacy organization, is working tirelessly to get out the vote. With so many deceitful voter suppression tactics being used by the Trump administration and others, we must do everything we can to help ensure an historic voter turnout. Yes, a turnout the results of which will leave no wiggle room for those who would challenge the will of the people.

Make no mistake,:At the federal level, we face a choice between democracy and authoritarianism. Nationally and locally, we have clear choices between candidates devoid of humanity whose goal is to strip LGBTQ+ persons of their civil rights and those who will fight for the rights of marginalized communities and a better future for all Americans.

So, what’s at stake in the 2020 election? Voters’ rights; economic security; marriage equality; racial profiling; workplace protection; affordable health care; access to quality education; national security; Social Security and Medicare benefits⸻ to name a few. The list is voluminous and significant.

What must we do? This is our ght for social justice; for civil rights; for full, lived equality. Plan your vote now. This year, how you vote is as important as who you vote for. Educate and encourage others to vote. It’s a simple but powerful tactic to take back our country and ensure a better future.

Every segment of society deserves a seat at the table,⸻ especially those who are historically and systematically disenfranchised. Elections matter. Candidates matter.

This year, in Nevada, state and local issues especially matter. This coming November, Nevadans will vote on Question 2, which proposes to repeal a same-sex marriage ban within the Nevada constitution. Even though the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage during the June 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges case, 30 states, including Nevada, still have gay marriage bans in their state constitutions. Legally, these bans are invalid, but that doesn’t stop homophobic people from attempting to block gay people and gay marriages. A “yes” vote on Question 2 supports this constitutional amendment to recognize marriage as between couples regardless of gender. So, whether you choose to vote by mail or in-person this year, be sure to vote YES on Question Two.

We The People are the ones who elect those responsible for making the colossal decisions that affect our daily lives.

The LGBTQ+ community has been politically active. We have been fighting for our right to work, to live, to love, to be free from harm and discrimination. Now, representing nearly 9 percent of the national electorate, the LGBTQ+ community has the opportunity for our votes to count in one of the most consequential elections in recent history. Together, we have the power to make sure our community is heard; to drive change for the better.

Silver State Equality is proud to endorse the following candidates who will advocate for our LGBTQ+ community and who are dedicated in their fight for equality and the advancement of social justice for marginalized communities.


● U.S. President: Joseph R. Biden/U.S.Vice President: Kamala Harris

● U.S. Congress: Dina Titus 1st Congressional District

● U.S. Congress: Patricia Ackerman, 2nd Congressional District

● U.S. Congress: Susie Lee, 3rd Congressional District

● U.S. Congress: Steven Horsford, 4th Congressional District

Nevada State Senate                                                                                                  

● District 1: Pat Spearman                                                                                        

● District 6: Nicole Cannizzaro                                                                                

● District 11: Dallas Harris

● District 18: Elizabeth Becker

Nevada State Assembly

● District 1: Daniele Monroe-Moreno                                                                       

● District 2: Radhika Kunnel

● District 8: Jason Frierson

● District 10: Rochelle Nguyen                                                                                

● District 15: Howard Watts

● District 16: Cecelia Gonzalez                                                                                

● District 17: Clara Thomas

● District 20: David Orentlicher                                                                              

● District 29: Leslie Cohen

● District 39: Deborah Chang

● District 40: Sherrie Scaffidi

● District 41: Sandra Jauregui

County and Municipal 

Clark County School Board Trustees:

● District A: Lisa Guzman and Liberty Leavitt

● Reno City Council, At-Large: Devon Reese

● Sparks City Council, Ward 1: Wendy Stolyarov

● Washoe County Commission District 1: Alexis Hill

●Washoe County School Board Trustee, District D: Kurt Thigpin

● West Wendover Mayor: Daniel Corona

Ballot Measure

● Vote YES on Nevada Question 2: Marriage Regardless of Gender Amendment

We believe these individuals are the candidates who will stand with us to dismantle the discrimination we face as LGBTQ+ people, as people of all races, as families, as those dealing with high poverty and its fallout, as women, as immigrants, as active military members, as honored veterans, as workers and most importantly, as Americans. If you do anything this year, please vote!

André C. Wade is the state director of Silver State Equality.