Farewell to Bill Burdsal, former Vegas resident


Bill Burdsal, a resident of Las Vegas from 1990 until 2000, passed away on Saturday, June 20 at the age of 85. Bill had worked as an administrator in the record business before retiring to Las Vegas.

Bill was a past president of the Las Vegas Men’s Club and his husband, Michael Wirick, was active in the Las Vegas Pride Association.

Bill was born in Waco, Texas, on Dec. 10, 1934, a 1952 graduate of Waco High School and a 1956 graduate of Baylor University. Bill is survived by Michael, his companion since June 15, 1974 and his husband since June 12, 2008. Bill is also survived by five nephews and two nieces. Bill will be interned at Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside, California on Dec. 10, 2020.