Mona Van Joseph: 2020 vibe is about getting organized


The numerical value of the end of the next decade of this century is FOUR. Four is the number of foundation, structure and setting a concrete base. This is the year of establishing your legacy. Wills, trusts, inheritance and the settling of old affairs will be a priority.

The faster any pending legal issues may be concluded, the better it will be for you moving forward. This is where you leave your home each day with the vibration that (your) things are squared away.

Do not worry about those people that have not taken care of his or her issues; just gently remind them that you are taking care of yours.

This is not a time of preaching what you know to be right for you, wait until you are asked for your advice. Each of us knows what’s right for us (if we are still enough to relax into our spirit).

Think of the things and people around you as treasures. They are your foundation for the upcoming years.

This decade is ending on the vibration of “setting things in order,” so that means that you are establishing the energy for the next decade (beginning in 2021) with the structure of what you set in place in 2020.

Also, 2020 can be considered a “Master Year,” because of the number 22. It resonates to the Master Builder; so think of large projects where the attention to detail is respected, honored and celebrated. Twenty-two is also the only master number where its digits can be multiplied or added together to reach the sum of four. Because the energy revolves around “setting things in order,” you will find that your awareness of what’s most important will be what attracts your attention.

There are some cultures that resist the number four; and in some languages it actually can be mistaken for a word meaning “death.”

The “death” here is not an actually ending of life; it is the end of being irresponsible. It is the freedom that comes from being disciplined enough to plan your future. 2020 will be a year of checking the details of everything prior to making any decision and not a year of shortcutting anything!

Purging away any old, non-used items and Sageing your home (on New Year’s Day, or as close to the beginning of the month as possible) is a lovely ritual to cleanse away any negativity from the previous year.

Are flat surfaces in your home become a cluttered menagerie where dust bunnies lurk? Then it’s time to get rid of that clutter. Even those clothes that still have the tag on them could be returned or donated to an organization that helps people restart their lives.


Full instructions on the sage cleansing method here:


Join us for the first-ever Intuitive Showcase in Las Vegas at Gilley’s at Treasure Island on Jan. 2 from 4 to 7 p.m. Get your mini New Year’s Overview by local and professional Intuitive readers! Proceeds from this event will benefit Urban Underdogs! More information here: www.


Your individual astrology forecasts for January 2020 are available at and you may download my app, www.dicewisdom. com to keep you focused on what’s most Mona Van Joseph important to your spirit in 2020.