Due to limitations on our free pick-up distribution at restaurants and other business locations which depend on foot traffic, we will be increasing our direct mail copies to same-gender households. We will be direct mailing nearly 9,800 to 10,000 copies with the balance being picked up at locations that are still open to the public.
Who we are
Welcome to the area’s newest publication – a monthly news magazine geared to the LGBTQ and Progressive community. A publication where we blend the best of new ideas and good, solid news features and reporting.
The Spectrum is a joint effort between several longtime journalists who have embraced some of the latest online and social media technology, combined with good, old fashioned direct mail delivery, in addition to the traditional, free pickup locations. The key people in this new operation are experienced in all facets of the newspaper industry,
The publisher, Rob Schlegel, is well-known in the local community, having cut his teeth at the small daily newspaper, the Valley Times. He also co-published Nevada’s largest tourist publication then became publisher of the Las Vegas Bugle, the area’s LGBTQ newspaper, from 1985 through 2002.
Since 2002, the LGBTQ community has turned to the Las Vegas Night Beat for local, LGBTQ news. In late 2018, Schlegel and his group, Las Vegas Spectrum LLC, helped publish the last Night Beat and then purchased the magazine. They have reinvented, expanded and renamed it the Las Vegas Spectrum
Collaboration and why Progressive?
While the Spectrum focuses on LGBTQIA+ issues, the publication also carries news of interest to those in the progressive community. Our opinions are clearly identified. Our news and features are balanced and accurate. We’re looking to inform those allied with the community, including those interested in women’s equality, affordable health care, education for all, a living wage, comprehensive immigration reform and … well, we want a society where we can all live together and be supportive of each other.
In 1996, the Bugle formed a political endorsement committee, which has included dozens of community members, and has issued political endorsements in most elections since. This have proven to be an effective force in local elections. Nevada Impact, now has a permanent home at the Las Vegas Spectrum.
Our Distribution – Increased Direct Mail due to COVID-19
We are careful that the copies we print are distributed and picked up. You’ll never see stacks of unread Spectrum magazines at the end of a month.
Our press run, is 11,000 copies. Our direct mail copies are approximately 6,400 and approximately 5,900 of those copies go to same-gender, married households. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and limited distributon sites, we have temporarily increased our direct mail portion to 9,800 copies with 1,200 copies still being direct pick-up.
Please consider spending a portion of your advertising and marketing budget with the Las Vegas Spectrum.
LGBTQ | Progressive News Magazine
Successor publication to the Las Vegas Night Beat
Las Vegas Spectrum
2550 E. Desert Inn Rd #242
Las Vegas, NV 89121
Advertising Rates, Sizes and Terms
Ad Size
Monthly One Time Rate
6 Month +
Full Page Premium, gloss
7.25” wide x 9.65” tall.
See next page for bleed information
Full page, standard inside page
7.25” wide x 9.65” tall.
See next page for bleed information
Half page, standard inside page
7.25” wide x 4.65” tall
Quarter page, standard inside page
3.6” wide x 4.65” tall
Business Starter Specials (min. 6 months)
3.6” wide x 2.0”
Business Directory Listings for non-display advertisers (min. 6 months)
Four lines of text maximum. First line is bold. No charge for display advertisers. Prepay 6 months, get 7 months. Prepay 12 months, get 15 months. 35% off listings for non-profits if prepaid, one year minimum.
Payment: We require advance payment unless credit arrangements have been established in advance. Members of the Lambda Business Association Chamber of Commerce or the Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce are automatically approved for credit
Rob Schlegel, Publisher | Lyn Collier, Editor
Las Vegas Spectrum
2550 E. Desert Inn Rd #242 Las Vegas, NV 89121
For local advertising sales,
please contact Rob Schlegel,
Las Vegas Spectrum
(702) 813-6214
For national advertisers,
please contact
Rivendell Media
1248 Route 22 West, Mountainside, NJ 07092
(212) 242-6863
Sizes & bleed information
CYMK files ONLY. No RGB files. Black text should be 100% K
Small fonts in CMYK do not print well on web presses.
Full page dimensions
7.25 inches wide x 9.65 inches tall
Full bleed is 8.5 inches wide x 11.5 inches tall
Live area is 7.25” x 9.75”
Finished page size is 8.0” x 10.5”
185-200 dpi resolution for inside pages
300 dpi resolution for premium, gloss pages
Spectrum Directory Sample Available
at no charge to our paid advertisers.
See rate card for non-advertisers.
Limited to 4 lines or space available.