Our world today is very different from the one most of us grew up in.
Technology has transformed society, and the pandemic has shown us just how far that transformation has gone. It wasn’t that long ago that big discussions were being held on how our digital dependence had separated us from each other; now it’s the glue trying to hold us all together as friends, family, and society. Doctor visits are ‘virtual’; weddings, funerals, and graduations are streamed or done in a drive-by manner; and churches are ‘zooming’ services all over the world. Our parent organization, the National Spiritualist Associations of Churches (NSAC), conducted what was to have been our convention in Phoenix utilizing this technology over the course of the last week. While the business part of the convention was postponed until next year, the educational, devotional, and social aspects of convention week
translated well over the Zoom platform.
Numerous classes, workshops, and services connected us all from Maine to California and beyond. This was a wonderful opportunity to not only reconnect and see familiar faces, but to expand our knowledge and understanding of Spiritualism. This Zoom convention reminded us that we have an evolving Religion, one that is not bound by stale dogmas and traditions of the past, but responds to new revelations of science that expands our grasp of the Natural Laws that rule this physical world.
Our Zoom convention exposed the truth in the old saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same”. Our society is very different from the one in which our founders lived; however we are still much the same. We value our own family and our church family. We honor our friendships and work hard at our careers. We evolve our thinking as scientific investigation reveals new understanding of Natural Law. We may be conducting all those things right now through technology our forebears could not have foreseen, but we are doing our best to find our path through this
physical experience.
Jennifer Rosson is Licentiate Minister, Spiritualist Desert Church, NSAC
If you would like to read more of our “Seeds of Thought” newsletters, would like to experience our Zoom church service, or simply want more information about Spiritualism or our church please contact Spiritualist Desert Church, NSAC at:Spiritualist Desert Church.org, sdchurchlv@gmail.com.