Travel Europe this month and celebrate Pride while you’re there


IS??? June Busting OUT ALL over??? How do You want to Bust OUT?  We’re STILL HERE and helping those who have to travel to do it safely and affordably. PLAN this June is NOT just politics as in Progressive Leadership of Nevada (Plan to Vote in Primary) but a KEY WORD of what we at A Answer on Travel have been doing to help clients Cancel, Change and PLAN for BUSTING OUT maybe in June or beyond. YES PRIDE MONTH 2020 will be MOSTLY ONLINE! Here is one of the better links online to Pride Event Updates: Find something You want? Call us to PLAN!. As of writing most Europe Pride events July and beyond are currently planning on happening. Likewise much of America and the World!

YES it appears Las Vegas will be Opening UP! CAREFULLY and You be TOO! Flights and Cruises, crowded bars and beaches will still be questionable. BUT 
that camping(and we don’t mean in a bar) RVing, Houseboating in the Wide Open Distances of Nevada and our Southwestern Neighbors can be safe options. Lets us help You discover VEGAS as many Europeans/Asians/Canadians know Us as a GATEWAY to the Deserts, Mountains, Rivers and Lakes of the Southwest. If Your car won’t take the drive or You don’t have a RV or Boat or Houseboat A Answer on Travel has solutions.

TRAINS? Yes we can get You on Amtrak(far less crowded then a plane. Heading West or Northwest? Via Barstow. East, Northeast, Southeast? Via Flagstaff. Amtrak offers private Pullman accomodations so You can Cuddle Up on Your way OUT and about. Planning further ahead? Eurail is also a more spacious option after that cloistered shield flight to Europe to Enjoy a “BUBBLE TRIP”. Whats a Bubble? It’s the newest idea in Regional Travel in Europe. Primarily in Eastern Europe Your Bubble might be Czech Republic with Poland or Hungary. Vikings in Your ancestry? Bridge Your way between Denmark, Sweden and Norway from Copenhagen. Pride in Stockholm July 27th-August 1, Copenhagen begins on my birthday August 18 for 4 days. Oslo Norway sadly has canceled public events originally set to begin June 19th but southeastern Norway is still filled with beautiful countryside. With US Alaska cruise season canceled how about a Norwegian Fjords Fall Foliage cruise?

Have You noticed that Most All CV19 maps show Montana as lowest on the lists. Did You know that August has been the busiest time for visitation to two of America’s greatest Parks Yellowstone and Glacier. This may be the August to be OUT of Vegas Heat to cool mountainous Big Sky Montana and Drive Yourself in a clean/sanitized rental car (Yes we rent Jeeps and 4×4, camper vans, RVs). Bonus options include kayaking/canoeing on the Missouri River and Lolo Pass(Lewis and Clark as theme for Your expedition) and of course Butte home of the Copper King who Platted Las Vegas.

If You missed our March St.Pat’s Day offer of Guiness or Your favorite HOPS to IT brewski for telling Us Who? Why? When? Butte is important. Text us at 702-731-2114 with Your answer. For June 2020  DON”T MASK YOUR PRIDE! WEAR IT! Text us with Your Covid 19 “Closet” photo and Destination Wish. We will send You a Rainbow Mask to Show Your Pride. 702-731-2114
###Call Terry NOW at 702-731-2114 For the ART of Fine Travel at Prices that are MUSIC to YOUR Ears where YOU are the Star of the SHOW###
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