If you’re getting this magazine in your mailbox for the first time, congratulations on your recent marriage! With the advent of same-gender marriage, we have created a data base, using names and addresses from Clark County marriage licenses.
It hasn’t been cheap, as we must purchase the list, month-by-month, and then process it to remove all the opposite-gender couples. Invariably, we’ll make mistakes. If you’re getting this and don’t want to receive it, just let us know.
We are also a progressive magazine and while it pains us, there are some pretty conservative, same-gender couples out there. We’ll never understand but if you want to reelect Trump, keep Mitch McConnell in the Senate and want to gerrymander Congressional districts to keep the minority of Republicans in power … Just shoot an email to subs@LasVegasSpectrum.com, give us your address and we’ll save our postage.
This issue is about the June 9 primary election, so we’re mailing out nearly 10,000 copies for May. We would love to advertise your business, so give us a call or see our contact information on page 4. Thanks for reading!