Who we are
Welcome to the area’s newest publication – a news magazine geared to the LGBTQ and progressive community. A publication where we blend the best of new ideas and good, solid news features.
The Las Vegas Spectrum is a joint effort between several longtime journalists
who have embraced some of the latest online and social media technology,combined with good, old-fashioned direct mail delivery, in addition to the traditional,free pickup locations. The key people in this new operation are experienced in all facets of the newspaper industry,
The publisher, Rob Schlegel, is well known in the local community, having cut his teeth at the small daily newspaper, the Valley Times. Schlegel published the Las Vegas Bugle, the area’s LGBTQ newspaper, from 1985 through 1998 and again from 2000 to 20002.
Joining Schlegel will be Lyn Collier as consulting editor,Tonya Harvey aschief photographer,
Cyntha Hall on women’s events and photography, Lucas Navarro-Schlegel on sales and
marketing, Terry Wilsey on marketing and distribution, Melgar Guevarra on distribution, Marcus Grisim (aka Kitty Litter) and Islagar Labrada as columnists.
Since 2002, the LGBTQ community has turned to the Las Vegas Night Beat for
local, LGBTQ news. In mid-November of 2018, Schlegel and his group, Las Vegas Spectrum, helped publish the last Night Beat and then purchased the magazine. They have reinvented and renamed it the Las Vegas Spectrum.
Reporting on our diverse community
While the Spectrum will focus on LGBTQ issues, the publication looks to carry news of interest to those in the progressive community. Our features will be balanced. We’re looking to inform those allied with the community, including those interested in women’s equality, transgender issues, affordable health care, education for all, a living wage, comprehensive immigration reform and … well, we want a society where we can all live together and be supportive of each other.
In 1996, the Bugle formed a political endorsement committee, which has included dozens of community members, and has issued political endorsements in most elections since then. This have proven to be an effective force in local elections. We intend to continue to
support Nevada Impact, thus we will be a progressive news magazine.
Our advertisers: We ask for your support When purchasing the Las Vegas Night Beat and undertaking this endeavor, we contacted the then current advertisers. We recognize that without them, we can’t succeed, although our intent is to diversify our advertising base.
Without our advertisers, we wouldn’t be publishing, and ask that our readers keep this in mind and make a point to patronize those who support this community endeavor. We recognize that in most cases, the LGBTQ community is welcome almost everywhere. That said, most of your local “non-gay bars” aren’t going to support us financially, or as important, with distribution. Please consider returning the support the LGBTQ bars and clubs offer us. When socializing, please consider patronizing them. If you operate a business, we would be honored to inform the community about you. Our advertising rates are competitive. Our distribution will be exceptional. Initially, over 3,000 copies will be delivered via USPS and 5,000 more available for pick-up. Please consider spending a portion of your advertising and marketing budget with the Las Vegas Spectrum.
You can help by becoming a subscriber or sponsor.
We will be sending at least 3,000 copies of this news magazine to LGBTQ homes, via direct market mail. We hope to increase that number to 7,500 within a few months. Simply put, your copy can arrive in your mail box about seven-to-ten days after we initially hit the streets each month.
Yes, that will cost, but we believe we’ll
off set part of that cost by subscriptions, sponsorships and increased advertising.
To that end, we ask our readers to consider subscribing or sponsoring our endeavors. We are looking for sponsors, just like public radio or many online news organizations.
We’re not setting a rate, but we’ll tell you the cost of mailing one issue for one year is about $7 in postage and handling, plus, of course, the cost of printing and producing the content. Some readers may send us $7 but we’re hoping there are enough progressive LGBTQ persons or allies, who will send us $100, $500, or more.
If you’re interested in getting a regular copy of this magazine mailed to your house, please email subscriptions@LasVegasSpectrum.com. We’ll need your complete name and address. You’re not committing to any payment, but when we’re set up to receive subscriptions and sponsorships, we’ll email you the link to a payment site. It’ll be your option. If you enjoy and wish to support the Spectrum, we’ll invite you to contribute.
Likewise, if you’re getting this copy by mail and don’t care to receive it, please email us, giving the name and address from the label. We’ll take you off our list.
Enjoy the publication and if you have story ideas or would like to advertise, please contact the publisher via email at Rob@LasVegasSpectrum.com
Thank you from the entire staff!